How to Relax

Externí autor: Lenka Rogožanová, zveřejněno 11. 7. 2015

Relaxation is an essential part of "psycho-hygiene". It helps us to recollect strength, to recover and it allows us to see situations from distance. These are the reasons it should become an everyday part of our lives.

One of the basic skills we should be taught in primary school is the art of relaxation. However, since in most schools you will not encounter this topic, let's talk about it now.
Relaxation is an essential part of "psycho-hygiene". It helps us to recollect strength, to recover and it allows us to see situations from distance. These are the reasons it should become an everyday part of our lives.

How to relax

1. Create a space that is only yours (at least for relaxation)

2. Make time for your relaxation (regularly)

3. If you share space with other people ask them for some time alone

4. Choose your favorite relaxation method

5. (Sit down and) begin

Our tip: You can create your relaxing space using candles, scents, a cup of tea and crystals.

If you do not want to relax alone, relax with us - sign up for relaxation course, mandala drawing course or tai-chi.


Relaxation methods

  • Sit down in a comfortable position with your eyes closed and listen to some relaxing music (today you can choose from a large selection of CD’s)

  • Draw a mandala - visualize an empty circle and fill it with your favorite colors, going from the outside edges to the center. You can also use our templates.

  • Breathing exercises - sit in a relaxed position (e.g. the lotus position, or lying on your back with legs slightly astride and arms slightly stretched), keep your eyes closed and breathe in 10 times - hold your breath - then exhale. Beginners can use the rule of 1:1:2; inhale and hold your breath, counting to three, then exhale, counting to six. Do it lightly and do not push it.

  • „SO – HAM“ method: Sit in an upright position with your hands on our knees, palms facing up; have your mouth slightly open and rest your tongue behind your teeth. Be aware of your breath and as you inhale, imagine the sound "SO" (the symbol of cosmic energy and light) and as you exhale, imagine "HAM" (symbolizing the limiting Ego).
  • Visualize a relaxing place - seated in a relaxing position, imagine a house and a peaceful empty room. Start painting the walls and furnish the space, making it calming and relaxing. Imagine the sun light flowing in, sit down and saturate the room with your inner peace.
  • Go for a walk in nature - preferably a forest outside the city or a park.

  • Handcrafting - basically, anything that turns your attention away from your thoughts and your head is relaxation. Do you like knitting, making jewelry or other arts & crafts? Then focus on it fully (do not turn the TV on).

Tips for relaxation at your computer:

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Lenka Rogožanová

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