Centrum Mandala offers courses, relaxation workshops, and personal-development

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Trauma work, yoga/body work

Term is up to you 20€ Volná místa

Kurzem vás provede Janaki (Lene Jarstein).

Více info a přihlášky

Mandala I. on-line

Start now! 2700€ Volná místa

Kurzem vás provede Zuzana Řezáčová Lukášková.

mandala stencil

Plastic template for creating mandalas

In stock

Plastic mandala stencil is a tool for making your own beautiful mandalas template. You will receive a sketchbook and photo instructions also.

A Mouse Pad

Mouse pad in five diferrent colours

In stock

A mouse pad comes in five colors and it is a very practical gift for anyone who works by the computer and who you would like to please.

mandala cards

Mandala wish cards for your friends

In stock

You can draw your own mandala a send it to your friends. Packet includes 6 mandalas wish card (with 6 different templates, witout text), pencils and sharpener.

Price: €5 EUR